
Recruitment of various post in Notification for Engagement of Consultant in Land Management Discipline

Iwhatsapp | Sunday, 20 March 2022

Notification for Engagement of Consultant in Land Management Discipline

On contract basis at AAI, Northern Region

In order to have specialized skills for liaison with concerned State/Central Govt. Authority as well as other agencies,  on various  aspects/issues  of  land related  matters  pertaining to  Airports  and Aeronautical Communication  Station  (ACSs)  existing  and  upcoming/to  be  developed  by  AAI,  the  services  of Consultants is required on job contract basis. Applications are invited on job contract basis for requirement of land consultants at the following airports in Northern Region.

The number of posts/stations may vary depending on the availability of suitable candidates.


The Scope of work and other details of activities to be performed by the consultant are given below:

•  Compilation of all title deeds of AAI land pertains to airport.

•  Compilation of Mutation of Land records pertaining to airport.

•  Provide support to AAI officials by retrieving land records pertain to airport from relevant state revenue authorities/collectorates and mutated in the name of AAI.

•  Appointed consultant may be deputed to other Airport for above works.

•  It is essential that all revenue records pertaining to the airport be kept confidential. Revenue records will not be shared with anyone except your controlling officer.

•  Any specific official tasks assigned from time to time in addition to the above.


•Retired Deputy Collector / Retired Tehsildar level officer.

•One  month  cooling  period  shall  be  required  after  superannuation,  before  engaging  as consultant. Thus, the applicant should have completed at least one month from the date of superannuation, i.e, as on date of notification (11/03/2022)

• The retired officials shall be medically fit and age shall not be more than 70 years.

•The  eligible  candidate  shall  be  clear  from  vigilance\disciplinary  angle  at  the  time  of retirement. In this regard, the candidate has to submit supporting document form his previous Department/Office.

•  There should be no criminal case pending against the eligible candidate and this will be self-

certified by the respective candidates. 

•Candidates, who have completed 05 years cumulative period as Consultant in AAI, shall not be considered for re-engagement of consultant as per existing policy.

• Candidate proficient in local language is preferable.


•The duration of engagement of Consultant shall be initially for 03 (three) months and AAI may extend the contract for further period of three months.

•The appointment of consultant shall be on full time contract basis and they shall not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of consultancy.



The Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted, as per the prevailing rules will be deducted at source before effecting the payment, for which the AAI will issue TDS Certificate/Service Tax/GST as applicable shall be payable extra, at the prevalent rates.


Consultant shall not be entitled for any allowances such as Dearness Allowance (D.A), Residential Telephone,  Transport  facility, Personal  Staff,  Residential  Accommodation,  Medical  Re- imbursement, etc.

7.       TA/DA

No  TA/DA  shall  be  admissible  for  joining  the  assignment  or  on  its  completion.  However, Consultants will be allowed TA/DA for their travel inside the country in connection with the official work  after  approval  of  Competent  Authority.  Retired  Government  Servants   appointed  as Consultants would be entitled as per his/her last drawn entitlement at the time of retirement.


The Consultant will be required to mark their Biometric/Manual attendance daily at the place of reporting in line with AAI Employees Attendance System at the place of engagement.
•            The consultants shall be eligible for 12 days in a calendar year on pro-rata basis.
In  case  of  absence  from  duty  other  than  holiday  and  permissible  leaves,  proportionate payment would be deducted from the Consultancy fee.
AAI does not undertake any liability for providing any medical facility to the Consultant or his dependents, which is existing in AAI and there will be no other financial liability on the part of AAI, since the remuneration is inclusive of everything.


AAI can terminate the agreement on the following grounds.
In case the information furnished by the applicant is found to be false at any stage, the same will  invite  disqualification  and/or  action  as  deemed  appropriate  by  Regional  Executive Director, NR whose decision shall be final and binding.
•            The Consultant is unable to address the assigned works.
•            Quality of the assigned works is not to the satisfaction of AAI.
•            The Consultant fails in timely achievement of the milestones as decided by AAI.
•            The Consultant is found lacking in honesty and integrity. 
The services of the Consultant are liable to be terminated at any time by giving one-month notice or remuneration/fees in lieu of notice period and the decision of AAI Management will be final in this regard.
Consultant may resign/terminate the services during the period of engagement by giving one- month notice period or one-month remuneration in lieu of notice period.


The mode of  selection will  be  interview and the final  selection  would be subject to  the outcome of interview marks/eligibility criteria and overall merit ranking and in accordance with the prevailing AAI Policy.
If, a candidate is found suitable for lower post by selection committee of AAI, the decision of selection committee will be final.
The AAI reserves the right to cancel this advertisement and not to proceed in the matter at any stage, accept or reject any or all offers, without assigning any reason.


An agreement shall be entered between the selected consultant and AAI specifying the terms and conditions of hiring of consultants, including the following:
The land consultants shall be appointed with specific Terms of References (TOR) along with timeline.
•         Scope of work.
•         Remuneration/Fees/leaves to be given to the consultant.
•         Tax Deduction at Source.
•         Reimbursement of Services tax paid by the consultant.
•         Domestic Tours required and entitlement for the same in terms of TA/DA.
•         Facilities to be provided by AAI in terms of office space, other infrastructure, etc.
•         Deliverables of the assignment expected from the consultant.
•         The agreement shall be blinding on both the consultant and AAI.

12.        Interested candidates may send their application (in sealed envelope) in the enclosed format (Annexure-I & II) alongwith the desired documents. On the top of envelope, it should be clearly mentioned/marked as Application for Land Management Consultant in Northern Region.

13.        The duly filled and signed application for this Consultant post should reach the following address by Speed Post on or before 11/04/2022 positively.

General Manager (HR), Airports Authority of India,
Regional Headquarters, Northern Region, Operational Offices, Gurgaon Road, Rangpuri, New Delhi-110037
The applications received after the last date will not be entertained.



Applications   are invited  for  filling  up the Tutor  Posts on Tenure  basis for  03 years in different Departments    of  Rajendra  Institute    of  Medical   Sciences,  Ranchi.  An  autonomous    institution    under Government   of Jharkhand.  This advertisement    is published   in view  of  the  proceedings  in the  Hon'ble High Court  Jharkhand  vide  the  court  case WP(S) no. 1301 of  2020 and  Department   of  Health,  Medical Education  & Family Welfare  no. 23 (11) dated 09.02.2022.

Venue: Office of the Director, RIMS,Ranchi.
Reporting time for walk-in-interview:  09.30 AM to 11.00 AM.

i.   A postgraduate Medical Degree viz. M.D./M.S./D.N.B in  the  respective discipline from  a recognized
University/Institute. EMOLUMENTS:
1.   PB-III:1S,600-39,100+GP6,600+NPA+other allowances (As per RIMS,Regulation-2014) (pre-revised asper
Government of Jharkhand). This emolument is likely to be revised. Level-ll,  Cell-I.
AGELIMIT (Maximum age limit as on the date of walk-in-Interview)
1.    40 years
1.   The posts of Tutor are tenure posts and are for the period of 03 years only.
2.   Application duly filled in prescribed format and signed by the candidate along with all relevant self attested copy of  certificates to  be submitted  at the  time  of  interview.  NB: The candidates who  had  earlier submitted  their  applications  are advised to  bring all the  documents in  Original along with  a set of photocopies for the Walk -in-interview.
3.   The candidates are required to produce original of all enclosed documents for verification at the time of interview.
4.   Separate application duly tilled in prescribed format  is to be submitted, if the candidate is applying for more than one post.
5.    Self attested photocopies of all certificate(s) such as all mark sheets (Undergraduate), attempt certificate of  MBBS &  MD/MS/DNB/Diploma/DM/MCh  certificate  of  registration,  postgraduate passing certificate along with oneself attested passport-size-photograph are required to be attached with the application form,
6.   Applications not filled in prescribed format will not be considered.
7.   The candidate must not have completed 03 years of Senior Residency/tutorship in the subject applied from anywhere.
8.   Employees of Government or Semi-government institutions must bring No Objection Certificate from the employer at the time of interview.
9.   The candidate must be a citizen of India.
10. The post(s) is/are whole time and private practice of any kind will not be allowed.
11. No TA/DA will be given to the candidates for Walk-in-interview.
12. Canvassingin any form and/or bringing in any influence will be treated asdisqualification. 

13.  Director,  RIMS, Ranchi reserves the  right  to cancel this  advertisement    without   assigning any reason.
14.  All disputes  are subject  matter  of Ranchi Jurisdiction.
15.  Advertisement    is also available  on website  www.rimsranchi.as.in
Note; -

1.  The  reservation    rules/relaxation(s)     given  for  different    categories   of  candidates    as admissible   under  the  relevant   rule/statutory    provision  framed  by State  Government
/RIMS   shall   apply   to   the   selection    &  appointments      to   be   made    under    this advertisement.
2.   The final selection   and  appointments    to  be made  under  this  advertisement    shall  be subject  to and as per the  roster  clearance  to be done  by the  State Government.
3.   However,  persons  belonging  to  all categories   are  entitled   to submit  their  application presently   for  consideration    for  selection   and  appointments    to  be  made  as  per  the
details  given in this advertisement.

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