
Recruitment of various post in Institute of Digital Education and Employment Development

Iwhatsapp | Saturday, 26 March 2022

Institute of Digital Education and Employment Development

Recruitment Cell (Group 7) 

Combined Recruitment Examination

**Category wise seat will be allotted after the exam

Note:- (I) The number of seat shown in this Notification are provisional and the same are liable to increase or decrease depending upon the actual needs of the administration at the time of finalization of s election.

(II) When the prescribed number of persons belonging either to the Scheduled Castes OR to the Schedule

Tribes are not available, the training places so reserved for them may be filled by persons belonging to the

Schedule Tribes OR as the case may be, to the Schedule Caste, and if the prescribed training places cannot be filled even in the above given manner, then the training places so lying unfilled may be filled by persons not belonging  to  the  Schedule  Caste  OR  the  Schedule  Tribe.  Similarly  the  seats  remaining  unfilled  by  OBC candidates be filled by UNRESERVED category.

(III) Person with Disability (PWD) who wants to avail the benefit of reservation must produce a disability certificate issued by a competent authority i.e. Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or State Government including one specialist in the particular field for assessing disability. PWD candidates will be considered for training if his/her disability is suitable for the trade notified and applied according to the Act Apprentice Rules as applicable in dsrvs. Accordingly it is advised to the candidates that it must be ensured about the suitability of their candidature with reference to their disability and identification of the trade to the said disability under the rules.

No claim of possession of a qualification equivalent to a prescribed qualification shall be entertained.

The candidates should not have undergone Apprenticeship earlier or pursuing Apprenticeship Training as per the Apprentices Act, as amended from time to time. 

Age Limit:

The all category candidates should have completed 18 years of age and should not have completed 35 years of age as on 25-04-2022.

Relaxation of Upper age limit

1. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe - 5 years

2. Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) - 3 years

3. PwD Candidates - 10 years


(i) The maximum age limit specified is applicable to General Category candidates and Economically Weaker

(EWS) Category Candidates.

(ii) Candidates seeking age relaxation will be required to submit necessary certificate(s) in original/ along with photocopies at the time of Interview/selection and at any subsequent stage of the recruitment process as required by institute(s).

Caste  /  Category  Certificate  issued  by  competent  authority  in  the  prescribed  format  as  stipulated  by

Government of India in case of SC / ST / OBC/ PWBD category candidates.

In case of candidates belonging to OBC category, certificate should specifically contain a clause that the candidate does  not  belong  to creamy  layer section  excluded  from  the benefits  of  reservation  for Other Backward Classes in Civil post & services under Government of India. Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming under creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation. They should indicate their category as General in the online application form. The candidate should possess a valid OBC certificate with a Non- creamy layer clause as per the Government of India guidelines, from time to time.


Stipend as Per Apprenticeship Rules Applicable ( 11500 -19200 ).


Before  commencement  of  the  Apprenticeship  training  in  the  designated/optional  trade,  the  selected candidate has to enter into a Contract of Apprenticeship Training as applicable. In case the selected candidate is minor then, his/her guardian has to enter into a Contract of Apprenticeship with the employer.

How to Apply :  visit  https://dsrvsindia.ac.in OR  https://ideedonline.ac.in (Online Portal) OR Candidates can fill the application and fee payment by visiting the nearest Common Service Center/CSC VLE.


Reg. and exam fee For UR/OBC/EWS- Rs. 500 INR, (Reg. Fee for SC/ST/PH candidates is Rs. 300 INR, exam fee Zero) .

Registration/Exam fee is to be paid through ONLINE MODE and dsrvs will not accept Application fee in Cash/ Cheque/ Money order/IPO/ Demand Draft/ Central Recruitment Fee Stamps etc. Candidate to note that DRC is not responsible for incomplete or pending online application fee transaction for whatever reason. In such case candidate need to proceed with fresh/new transaction of payment of application fee. Transaction charges for online payment, if any, will be born by the candidates. On successful completion of the transaction, e-receipt with the date entered by the candidate will be  generated which should be printed and retained by  the candidate.

Mode of Selection:

1.     Screening & Scrutiny of the application.

2.     Selection for engagement of apprentices would be based on percentage (%) of marks in the qualifying examination.

3.     Filling up of the seats is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for engagement, if some of these seats are not filled due to unsuitability/insufficient number of candidates.

4.   The candidature of the applicant would be provisional, subject to subsequent verification of certificates/testimonials and submission of certificate of medical fitness (to be obtained only from a gazette government medical  officer/medical  officer of  a government undertaking)  at  the time of joining. 

a)  The candidates are advised to visit for all future communications on Official website.

b)     The candidate must ascertain the correctness of all information before filling in the “Online Application Form”  and  its  final  submission.  The  candidate  shall  be  wholly  /  exclusively  responsible  for  the information provided in his / her online application form.

c)  Cut-off date: The candidate must possess the prescribed qualification, age as on 25.04.2022. 

1. Negative Marking will be applicable and deduction of 1/3 marks will be made for each wrong MCQ answer.
2.  The Board  reserves  its  right to  prescribe a minimum  cut off  mark for  any  post as  per availability  of candidates.
3. It is necessary to qualify in all parts with a qualified percentage for this exam.
4. Minimum qualifying percentage is 40 percent for all categories.
5. Cut-off Score (Online Examination)
Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum score in each test of Online examination and also a minimum  total  score to  be considered  to  be shortlisted  for next process.  Depending  on  the number of
vacancies available, cut-offs will be decided and candidates will be shortlisted. Prior to the completion of the all process, scores obtained in the online examination will not be shared with the candidates shortlisted for next process.

Part 1 (General Studies and Reasoning):-

Subject Name :- Current Affairs, Book, Sports, Awards, International & National Organizations, Budget, Indian History, Indian Geography, Culture, Environment, Indian Economy, General Science, Political and Public Relation, Information Technology , General Computer Science.

Subejct Name :- Analogies, Similarities and differences, Space visualization, Spatial orientation, Problem solving,Analysis,Judgment,Decision making, Visual memory,Discrimination,Observation,Relationship concepts,,Arithmetical reasoning and figural classification,Arithmetic number series,Non-verbal series,Coding and decoding,Statement conclusion,Syllogistic reasoning, semantic analogy,Symbolic/number analogy,Figural analogy,Semantic classification, Symbolic/number classification, Figural classification,Semantic series,Number series,Figural series,Word building,Coding & de-coding,Numerical operations, Symbolic operations,Trends,Space orientation,Venn diagrams,Drawing inferences,Punched hole/pattern –folding & unfolding,Figural pattern – folding and completion,Indexing,Address matching, Date & city matching,Classification of centre codes/roll numbers,Small & capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and classification, Decoding and classification, Embedded figures, Critical thinking, Emotional intelligence,Social intelligence

Part 2 (Arithmetical & Numerical Ability):-
Subejct Name :-    Computation of whole numbers,Decimals,,Fractions and relationships between numbers,Percentage, ratio & proportion,,Square roots,Averages,Interest,Profit and loss,Discount,Partnership business,Mixture and allegation,Time and distance,Time & work,Basic algebraic identities of school algebra &
elementary surds,,Graphs of linear equations,,Triangle and its various kinds of centres,,Congruence and similarity of triangles,Circle and its chords,Tangents,Angles subtended by chords of a circle,Common tangents to  two or  more  circles,Triangle,Quadrilaterals,Regular polygons,Circle,Right prism,Right circular cone,Right circular  cylinder,Sphere,Hemispheres,Rectangular  parallelepiped,Regular  right  pyramid  with  triangular  or 
square    base,,Trigonometric    ratio,Degree    and    radian    measures,Standard    identities,Complementary angles,Heights and distances,Histogram,Frequency polygon,Bar diagram & pie chart.

Part 3 (Test of English Language & Comprehension):-

Subejct         Name         :-Spelling Test,Sentence         Arrangement,Error Correction         (Underlined
Part),Transformation,Passage Completion,prepositions,Sentence Improvement,Spotting
Errors,Antonyms,Homonyms,Synonyms,Word   Formation,Direct   and   Indirect   speech,Active   and   Passive
Voice,Para Completion,Idioms and Phrases,substitution,Joining Sentences,Theme Detection,Topic rearrangement of passage,Error Correction (Phrase in Bold),Fill in the blanks,Data Interpretation,Spelling Test,Sentence Completion,Sentence Arrangement.

(i) dsrvs Administration will not be responsible for any inadvertent error in the advertisement (dsrvs website would  be  primary  and  main  source  of  contact  with  the  candidates  for  various  information  during  the

(ii) The decision of the Dsrvs Administration in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications  etc.  will  be  final  and  binding on  the  candidates  and  no  enquiry  or  correspondence  will  be entertained in this connection.

(iii) This Notice is also available in DSRVS Website. No fee will be charged on the application received from
Apprenticeship Portal and any Department channel.

(iv) In case any applicant has difficulty in registering their applications ONLINE, they are free to contact the help line numbers as available on DSRVS website on all working days at 11:00 Hrs to 14:30 Hrs.

Social Distancing Mode conduct of Exam Related Instructions
Different reporting time will be printed for a set of  candidates. Candidate must report much before the
Reporting time to avoid crowding.
1. Candidate is required to report at the exam venue strictly as per the time slot mentioned in the admit card AND/OR informed via SMS/Mail on their registered mobile number/mail prior to exam date. It is expected that candidate strictly adhere to this time slot – as entry into the exam venue will be provided based upon the individual’s time slot ONLY.
2. Mapping of ‘Candidate Roll Number and the Lab Number’ will NOT be dis played outside the exam venue, but the same will be intimated to the candidates individually at the time of entry of the candidate to the exam venue and post their Admit Card/ Call Letter and ID verification.
3. Items permitted into the venue for Candidates.
Candidates will be permitted to carry only certain items with them into the venue. a. Mask (WEARING A MASK is COMPULSORY)
b. Gloves
c. Personal transparent water bottle d. Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
e. A simple pen
f. Exam related documents (Call Letter/Admit Card, ID card in Original, Photocopy of ID Card, one additional photograph etc)
g. Call Letter/Admit Card should be brought with the Photocopy of the Photo ID stapled with it. Original ID (same as Photocopy) is also to be brought for verification. The name on the ID and on the Call Letter/Admit Card should be exactly the same.
No other Items are permitted inside the venue.
4. Candidate should not share any of their personal belonging/material with anyone
5. Candidate should maintain safe social distance with one another.
6. Candidate should stand in the row as per the instructions provided at venue.
7. All candidates will be checked with Thermo guns at the entry point for temperature. In case, any person is observed to be having above normal temperature (> 99.14° F) or displaying any symptoms of the virus, they will not be allowed entry into the venue. 
General Instructions:

a)        Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of online application.

b)       If the application is not submitted in line with the eligibility criteria, terms & conditions, then the application is liable for rejection.

c)        The last date for submission of on-line application is 25.04.2022. Candidates are requested to apply well in advance before the closing date.

d)       Candidates are advised to periodically visit our above website as all future correspondence and latest information shall be made available only on our website.

e)       Any corrigendum/addendum etc. or updates with regard to this advertisement shall be made available on our website.

f)   Wherever  CGPA/OGPA  or  Letter  Grade  is  awarded  in  the  ITI  /  Diploma  /  Degree  examination,  its equivalent overall percentage of marks must be indicated in the On-line Application Form as per the norms adopted by University / Institute.

h)  The  candidature  of  the  applicant  would  be  provisional  and  subject  to  subsequent  verification  of certificates and testimonials. In case, it is detected at any stage of engagement or thereafter, that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect / doctored
/ false information / certificate / documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after engagement if any, his/her engagement is liable to be terminated.

i)    Engagement of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per Schedule II -A of the Apprenticeship Rules 1991. All such engagement will also be subject to all relevant Rules/policies/guidelines of the Corporation.

j) The decision of the Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection, cancellation of the selection process either in part or full, etc. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Filling up of the seats is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for engagement, if some of these seats are not filled due to unsuitability/insufficient number of candidates.

k) Applications/Registrations  which  are  incomplete  or  are  received  in  any  other  mode/form,  or  not fulfilling the eligibility criteria and/or those received after the last date of submission of on-line applications shall not be considered “Eligible” and they shall be treated as “Rejected”. Canvassing of any kind shall disqualify the candidate.

l)  Upon  completion  of  the Apprenticeship  period  the Corporation  shall  have no  obligation  to offer employment to such apprentices NOR can an Apprentice claim right for employment on the grounds of completion of Apprenticeship, It shall not be obligatory on the part of the apprentice to accept an employment under the employer.

m) Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PwD/EWS shall be as per Government guidelines.

n) EWS (Economically Weaker Section) : Persons who are not covered under the existing scheme of reservations to the Scheduled Castes, the Schedule Tribes and the Other Backward Classes and whose family has gross annual income below Rs.8.00 lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) are to be identified as EWSs 
for benefit of reservation. The income shall. include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession etc. and it will be income for the financial year prior to the year of application. Also persons whose family owns or possesses any of the following assets shall be excluded from being identified as EWSs, irrespective of the family income:
i.   5 acres of Agricultural Land and above;
ii.   Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
iii.  Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
iv.  Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.
The property held by a "Family" in different locations or different places / cities would be clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.
The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The Income and Asset Certificate issued by any one of the Authorities as notified by the Government of India in the prescribed format shall only be accepted as proof of candidate's claim as belonging to EWS. The candidates shortlisted for document verification/interview  shall  be  required  to  bring  the  requisite  certificate  as  specified  by  the
Government of India at the time of appearing for the process of document verification/interview.
The term "Family" for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.

o) For claiming the benefit of OBC category, the candidate should submit a proper Caste Certificate as per the Performa prescribed by the Government of India (copy available on our website www.dsrvsindia.ac.in), which would, among others, specifically mention that the candidate does not belong  to the persons/sections  (Creamy  Layer)  as  mentioned  in  column  3  of  the Schedule to OM No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08-09-1993 of the Department of Personnel and Training in the Govt. of India.

p)  Furnishing false / incorrect information or suppression of material fact(s), if detected at any stage even after engagement, shall invite termination of the training without any notice.
Deputy Director
(Group 7 - REC)

Copy To:
1. CSC SPV (for update in recruitment portal).
2. Webmaster, DSRVS (for Upload this notification on official website).

Deputy Director
(Group 7 - REC)

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