

Iwhatsapp | Tuesday 1 March 2022



 ApplIcations from eligible candIdates are Invited for the fOllow1n9ClvP'an posts  to be  filled 0"

direct  '~Cfultment  basis  as md,cated  below: - 

1I'0te;   (i)         Permissible relaxation In upper age limit IS OS years for SC/ST and 03 years lor OBC candidates. The Cen"'al Govt. servant  who have rendered not less than 03 years regular service as on closing date for receipt of appliCation shall be permissible for age relaxation upto 40 years and in case of SCjST,It shall be 45 years.

(II)       No age and ctner rela~abon Will be given to SC/ST/OBC/EWScandidates for the posts earmarl<edonly for UR category.

(Ii)       The Cl\lCJaI d.lte (or fixation 01 age IlITIlt w,1I be 23 Jan 22.

2.         The applications in tile prescnbed  Profonna at (Annexure I) sI>ouId be fOlWa'l!ed to the offlce of
The  COmmander, Coast  Guard  Region   (East),   Near  Napier   8rldge.  Fort  5t  George (PO), Chenna; -  600  009.    The  last  da..,  of  receipt   of  application  Is 30  days  from  the  date  or
publication of the advertisement  in Employment   News.

3.        The envelope containing tile application must be superscripted as "Applicabon for the paS( of  
", Application should be submitted by Ordinary   Post  only. Apphcabon sent by Speed 
POSt/ Registeted P06t / Courier Will not be entertained.  Self attested COPiesof educationa certificate, age proof, driv'"9  license for CMTO(OG)  for batnheavy and l'9ht vehicles, Trade cemlicate as required, cert,focalefor EWS/OBC/SC/STand experience CenlnC"te,If aoy, shoUldbe enClosedWIth tee .PPteatIQtl. Proforma WIth "'9ard  to EconomICallyWeake! Secnons (EWS) 's of",ed  at Annexure-n   Canddates.n Central GeM. SeMce sIlould  s..bm.t NOC from !hear prCSC<1t empioyer .~tn       applications.
4,        The presctlbed essenbal qual.fteaoons are the nummcrn and the mere possesson of ttle same
does not enolle candidates to be called for written test. 
5.        In case Of receipt of  large number of app'lcatlons, screening of applications on the bas's 0' percentage of  mar1<sobtained In the exam for  essential qualificauon w,II be carried out to  reduce candidates for  written  exam. A  bcl\chmari< oercentage will be  fixed  depending on the number of applicants. No welghtagc will be g,ven for additional I higher cducanon  (other than those prescnbcc  In the  ReC'rultn'lent   Rules).   Ad candlGatPS  meennq   tne  benChmark    Wil   be a low<."d to  eooear   .~ the V\tf"l:ten exam.  The admonlStrabonreserves tile  RIght to fox a cut  off I benchma"<  to- selecoon.  Short k'ted cana.Gatesonly w,1[ be called for wntten test.

6,  candidates to bnng o"glnal  documents on the Gate of written examination. No TA ,.,11 be pa'd for the written test, Candidates have to make their own lodging and transportation arrangement> for test. The authority will not be responSibleto pay any damages in case of Injury dunng phYSicaltC>t.

7.  selection   Procedure:  The select10n  of candidates ",I  be based only  on L~e mont ,n w"tten
minabon tile skill,  physoca'   tests _              n!quored WIll be conducted, bYt w  I only De
quaf,fyl"9     In nature    WIth  no  beanng     on  the   avera!:    menlo

(a)       Written   test:             Written teslwill  be conducted for Group 'C' and upgraded Group 'C' posts The qualifying merks In written exam is 50% and the candidates who qualify the wrotten test Will be shorthsted (or the trade test (where applicable). In case of SC/ST candidates, the qual,fy,ng mar1<sshall be 45~   No relaxa"on  n Qualfy,ng marks ,5 ecm ssbe to DOC and E:WS candIdates.

(b)       Trade,    Skill Test:    Trade/SkllI tests are devised to check tile oertormaoce I ap~tud" of a candidate for the said trade, Separate skill tests are to be administered for each trade, The candidates who qualify the written test are to appear for the trade I skill test. The trade/sklll test wherever required will only be qualifying in nature and shall have no bednng on the overat ment,

8.        1he appoentment     cames    WIth It liability   to serve  In any part  of India. The  place  of   'lltJa  ~t.nc;
IS provl9Onil   and subject to change depending on ava"abi 'tv of vacancy at tile bme  of posong.

9.       The  number  of vacancies  indicated    In this recruitment   notice  is proviSional   and  may  Increase 01" decrease or even become NIL, depending upon the actual needs of the Region. The Admln,stratlon .'50 reserves    tile  right   to  cancel    the   notlfled    vacancies,  at  ItS discretion    and   such   decis10n 'NIl! be  final  and
binding   on  (III  in the   event    of  cancellation     of  not:fled    v(trlncics.

10,      All postS   are lemPOfary but I'kely to be permanent  under MoD w,th a probation per>Od  0' two
years. The appointee ... 11be governed   by the New  Pension Scheme.

11.       Terms and conditions given out In this advertisement are subject to change. Hence, These may
be treated as general guidelines only.

12      Applocaoonswhtdl  are  not  ,n the  prescnbed formal.  w,thout  the  required  cerofa,e,    d"ly
self attCS(ed, Without photographs I Wlthoot signature of the candidates w IIbe summarily rejected.

13,      The declsoonof the Commander, Coast Guard Region (East) regard'ng selection I rejectIOnwill
be final and no correspondence will be made on rejection 01 the ap~lcatlon. 

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