

Iwhatsapp | Friday, 1 April 2022


Appl ication are invited for the following posts under the project "Operation of Smart Health ATM Center" in the city of Lucknow funded by Lucknow Smart City Ltd. (LSCL) under Prof. P.K. Pradhan, Nodal Officer, SGPGI Telemedicine  Programme. Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate  Institute of  Medical

Sciences, Lucknow-2260  14, India

All the posts are temporary in nature and subjected to extension time to time as per the approval of funding agency. The selection committee reserves the right to get the post downgraded Icancelled, if suitable candidates are not found. The committee may also consider desirable candidates as per their qualification. ability and experience with respect to post, number of post can be increase depending upon the requirement of the project. These posts are entirely temporary for a period of one year and can be terminated with one month advance notice. Accommodation at institute campus will not be provided. Application on plain paper with necessary certificates   should be submitted to Office of Nodal Officer, School of Telernedicine &  Biomedical Informatics, SGPGIMS, Raibareli Road, Lucknow, 226014, U.P.

PM   in the  School of  Telernedicine    &  Biomedical  Informatics, SGPGIMS,  Lucknow  with  original certificate.  No separate Interview call letters will be issued to the candidates. T AIDA  will not be payable. Director, SGPGIMS, Lucknow reserve the right to cancel the advertisement/selection without assigning any reason.                                                                                                                            


R.C. Bose Centre for Cryptology & Security


Applications are invited for the recruitment five (5) Project Linked Person to work in a sponsored research project at RC Bose Centre for Cryptology & Security,

Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. The details are furnished below:

Name of the post:    Project Linked Person (equivalent to the position of Project

Linked Technical Assistant)

Remuneration:         INR 20,000/- to  25,000/- per month (consolidated).

No. of post:                01

Eligibility:                 Essential: B.Sc. (Science) or M.Sc. (Science), Knowledge of Documentation and Report writing, softwares, at least two years of experience in serving Govt. of India projects.

Desirable: Knowledge of programming languages like C, Python etc.

Name of the post:    Project Linked Person (equivalent to the position of Project

Linked Junior Research Engineer) Remuneration:         INR 25,000/- to 32,500/- per month (consolidated).

No. of post:                04

Eligibility:  Essential: B.Tech. (CS/EE/ETC) or M.Tech. (CS/EE/ETC), Good

Programming Expertise in C and/or Python.

Desirable: Large software development experience; knowledge of either Internet and Telecommunication Protocols, or Cryptanalysis or Reverse Engineering.

Common Instructions for the Above Positions


Should not exceed 35 years as on 01.03.2022 with usual relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/Women/Differently abled candidate. Additional relaxation of age is applicable for candidate with additional years of experience (over & above the essential criterion) in the respective fields. 

Mode of Selection:

How to Apply:

Shortlisted candidates will be informed separately by email/phone at least 3 days prior to the interview. The offers to selected candidates will be effective from 1 May, 2022 or later (joining extendible to 3 months).

Candidates  will  have  to  apply   on  or  before  14/04/2022  along  with current resume to the email address  rcbose@isical.ac.in  with a copy to plp.coec@gmail.com with subject of email as “Application for PLP (TA) Post” or “Application for PLP (JRE) Post”.

The current resume of the candidate should be addressed to Head, R C Bose Centre for Cryptology & Security, Indian Statistical Institute stating (a) Name (in block letters) (b) Mailing Address (present & permanent) (c) E-mail Address (d) Contact No (e) Parent/ Spouse Name (f) Date of Birth (g) Academic Qualification with percentage of marks obtained in public examinations in class

10 & onwards (h) Work Experience/ Publication (i) SC/ST/OBC/ Differently abled Category. The original credentials should be scanned and sent via email. Later, candidates may be asked to bring original hard-copies for verification.

Candidates   must   attach   a   self-attested   photo   ID   card   in   their   email. 

Terms & Conditions:

1.Tenure of Appointment: Duration of appointment is six months from the date of his/her joining the project which may be extended later/ terminated earlier depending on the availability of funds & performance of the candidate.

2. The Institute reserves the right not to appoint candidates in any of the above positions.

(Mridul Nandi)

Head (Acting),

R C Bose Centre for Cryptology & Security

Copy to:

1.   Head, Cryptology & Security Research Unit

2.   Professor In Charge, Computer & Communication Science Division.

3.   Different Universities/ Organization

4.   All Heads of Division/ Departments/ Sections/ Units etc for circulation amongst the workers and Notice Board

5.   In-Charge, Despatch Section for arranging circulation accordingly.

6.   Director’s Office

7.   Dy CE (A&F)

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